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August 5, 2023

7 Resolutions for Republicans

Sometimes we get so caught up in what’s going on in politics at the moment that we can lose sight of what’s important and what to do next. Don’t let that happen this year. If Republicans are going to be successful in the long-term, then we have to THINK long-term. With that in mind, here are a few suggested resolutions for you to consider:

#1: Don't Be a Cannibal

Every few years campaigns come along like tornadoes and divide many. Republicans against one another and then they’re gone. The problem is that many times the personal divisions remain. Don't let things get personal! Productive relationships with fellow Republicans are vital. No matter who you or anyone else may support (or have supported) in any given campaign, don’t “go cannibal” on fellow Republicans. You might win for the moment, but that can mean fewer people who are willing to work together in the future to make a difference on the things that you care about.

#2: Focus on the Fundamentals

No matter how things may change, the need to do the fundamentals remains the same. The most fundamental element of politics is people, while the most fundamental principle is addition. More organized people means more political success and influence. Find (or create) and focus on projects that you or your group can use to help identify and better organize more people who think like you do.

#3: Build the Farm Team

Just as baseball has its minor leagues, so does politics. Local government is important in its own right, but it also serves as the farm team for the political big leagues. Don't ignore it. Plus, campaigns and elected officials at that level are easier to influence. A little organization goes a long way. A coordinated effort to recruit good candidates and then let other Republicans know who to support can have a much bigger impact on Joe Smith for School Board than it ever could on Suzy Smith for Congress. If you want to have a long-term impact on the higher levels of politics, then you need to have a long-term approach for influencing who gets there.

#4: Coordinate with Other Republicans

It's a simple fact that Republicans are stronger when we work together, and we are easier to beat when we are divided. Focus on finding ways to work with other Republicans on sharing information, picking which battles to fight and which targets to focus on and then coordinating activity. The result will be more real progress and less wasted time and frustration. The bottom line is to work together to leverage our strengths by focusing on places where they can overwhelm the opposition and have a long-term impact.

#5: Pick Your Battles

Just as liberals won generations of votes by winning battles over Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and other big-government expansion programs, Republicans should focus on big picture battles that result in still more victories in the future because they tilt the playing field more in our favor. Conservatives need to focus on battles (issues) that unite us and build our coalition - and that we can WIN. But cooperation is the key .Pick your battles. Don’t let them pick you.

#6: Do Something

Focus on doing what YOU can do this year instead of complaining about others. If you can't find an effective group that focuses on the things that you care about, then start one yourself. Or start an effort to identify and recruit candidates for local office. Or you create a newsletter or website that keeps people informed about candidates and elected officials, or list key dates and information about political activity in your area with details about how to get involved. Put it on Facebook and email it to everyone you know. The point is not to wait for someone else to do it. They’re waiting for you. Do something!

#7: Don't Quit

Whether you win or lose in any political endeavor, it’s never really “over”. No victory or defeat is permanent. If you lose, you saddle up and get ready to fight again. If you win, you can’t quit because the other side will be coming back to un-do whatever you have done. Government is going to be here as long as there are people, which means the process of government – or politics –never stops. Republicans waste too much time trying to ramp up for a fight rather than just staying engaged so that they are always ready. Don't quit!